All: Every applicant that goes through the platform will be included in this section, regardless of how far they got in the application.
Started: All applications that were started, and then dropped off before receiving the quote indication. Varying degrees of information will be included in the Details page.
Indicated: All the applications that have made it to the very first quote screen; however, they did not complete all or any of the eligibility questions that are prior to the checkout page.
Quoted: Each applicant in this section is eligible to bind. Users have answered all eligibility questions with responses aligned to the underwriting criteria. Filtering the data to show all Quoted accounts and calling the user by clicking Details in the CRM will help close these accounts and improve your bind ratio.
Referred: Each applicant in this section is marked as ineligible to purchase due to an answer in their application that falls outside of the underwriting criteria for binding online.
Bound: All bound policies are shown here.