How do I add an Additional Insured to a policy?

Is APOLLO available to provide a Certificate of Insurance?

All of our commercial policies that include Commercial General Liability (CGL) cover, include a Blanket AI Endorsement on the CGL (with the exception of our Retail and Builder's risk product). This means you have binding authority to issue a COI in house, with any additional insureds added on as needed. For most policies we do ask that you send us in a copy of any COI's you send out here - Submit a COI


For the following products, you do not need to send us anything when you issue a COI, all we ask is you keep a copy on file for your records.

The Blanket AI Endorsement allows for the naming of any person or organization as an Additional Insured when required under a written contract. The wording for this endorsement and the conditions to which they apply vary from product to product, so be sure to review the policy wordings prior to issuing a Certificate of Insurance for your client. 

All policy wordings are available for your review through the Products page via the Details button on the APOLLO Exchange.